Field recordings of transcranial magnetic stimulation in human brain postmortem models

Quesada, C.; Fauchon, C.; Pommier, B.; Bergandi, F.; Peyron, R.; Mertens, P.; Garcia-Larrea, L.
Introduction The ability of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to deliver a magnetic field (MF) in deep brain targets is debated and poorly documented. Objective To quantify the decay of MF in the human brain. Methods Magnetic field was generated by single pulses of TMS delivered at maximum intensity using a flat or angulated coil. Magnetic field was recorded by a 3D-magnetic probe. Decay was measured in the air using both coils and in the head of 10 postmortem human heads with the flat coil being positioned tangential to the scalp. Magnetic field decay was interpreted as a function of distance to the coil for 6 potential brain targets of noninvasive brain stimulation: the primary motor cortex (M1, mean depth: 28.5 mm), dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC: 28 mm), secondary somatosensory cortex (S2: 35.5 mm), posterior and anterior insulae (PI: 38.5 mm; AI: 43.5 mm), and midcingulate cortex (MCC: 57.5 mm). Results In air, the maximal MF intensities at coil center were 0.88 and 0.77 T for the flat and angulated coils, respectively. The maximal intracranial MF intensity in the cadaver model was 0.34 T, with a ∼50% decay at 15 mm and a ∼75% MF decay at 30 mm. The decay of the MF in air was similar for the flat coil and significantly less attenuated with the angulated coil (a ∼50% decay at 20 mm and a ∼75% MF decay at 45 mm). Conclusions Transcranial magnetic stimulation coil MFs decay in brain structures similarly as in air, attenuation with distance being significantly lower with angulated coils. Reaching brain targets deeper than 20 mm such as the insula or Antérior Cingulate Cortex seems feasible only when using angulated coils. The abacus of MF attenuation provided here can be used to adjust modalities of deep brain stimulation with rTMS in future research protocols
Tipo di pubblicazione:
Parola chiave:
NIBS; stimolazione magnetica transcranica; TMS; rTMS; Magnetic field; Postmortem model; pain
Testata scientifica:
PAIN Reports
L'obiettivo dello studio è quantificare il decadimento del campo magnetico (CM) nel cervello umano. Sono stati utilizzati impulsi di TMS ad alta intensità con diverse tipologie di bobine (piatte e angolate) e si è misurato il decadimento del CM sia nell'aria che nel cervello di cadaveri umani. I risultati hanno mostrato che il decadimento del CM nel cervello segue una tendenza simile a quella nell'aria, come atteso considerando le proprietà magnetiche all'interno dei tessuti biologici. Utilizzando bobine angolate l'attenuazione risulta minore. Si è osservato che il raggiungumento di target cerebrali più profondi di 25 mm è fattibile solo con bobine angolate. Questo studio fornisce informazioni utili per adattare protocolli di stimolazione cerebrale profonda con rTMS in futuri studi di ricerca. Sono stati utilizzati uno stimolatore MagProX100 per registrazioni in aria e in teste post-mortem, una bobina a farfalla piatta (Cool-B65) e una bobina a farfalla angolata (Cool-DB80).
Hits: 80

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