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Performance Characterization of an Actively Cooled Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Coil for the Rat

J, Parthoens; J, Verhaeghe; S, Servaes; A, Miranda; S, Stroobants; S, Staelens
OBJECTIVES: This study characterizes and validates a recently developed dedicated circular rat coil for small animal repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The electric (E) field distribution was calculated in a three-dimensional (3D) spherical rat head model and coil cooling performance was characterized. Motor threshold (MT) in rats (n = 12) was determined using two current directions, MT variability (n = 16) and laterality (n = 11) of the stimulation was assessed. Finally, 2-deoxy-2-((18) F)fluoro-D-glucose ([(18) F]-FDG) small animal Positron Emission Tomography (µPET) after sham and 1, 10, and 50 Hz rTMS stimulation (n = 9) with the new Cool-40 Rat Coil (MagVenture, Denmark) was performed. RESULTS: The coil could produce high E-fields of maximum 220 V/m and more than 100 V/m at depths up to 5.3 mm in a ring-shaped distribution. No lateralization of stimulation was observed. Independent of the current direction, reproducible MT measurements were obtained at low percentages (27 ± 6%) of the maximum machine output (MO, MagPro X100 [MagVenture, Denmark]). At this intensity, rTMS with long pulse trains is feasible (1 Hz: continuous stimulation; 5 Hz: 1000 pulses; 10 Hz and 50 Hz: 272 pulses). When compared to sham, rTMS at different frequencies induced decreases in [(18) F]-FDG-uptake bilaterally mainly in dorsal cortical regions (visual, retrosplenial, and somatosensory cortices) and increases mainly in ventral regions (entorhinal cortex and amygdala). CONCLUSION: The coil is suitable for rTMS in rats and achieves unprecedented high E-fields at high stimulation frequencies and long durations with however a rather unfocal rat brain stimulation. Reproducible MEPs as well as alterations in cerebral glucose metabolism following rTMS were demonstrated.
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